Wednesday, October 27, 2010

Black and White Wednesday - "Reader Beware - yet more cuteness coming atcha!"

Flowers - Girls 367-2

So, this post is Milana's turn.

Flowers - Girls 337-4 copy

Not only do I love my girls (sooooo much)
but my camera is having a bit of an affair with them too!

Flowers - Girls 298

Flowers - Girls 356

Flowers - Girls 342

Flowers - Girls 344

Flowers - Girls 037

Flowers - Girls 337-3
And here's the stink eye!
Flowers - Girls 333
"what you be talkin' bout Willis?"
Now admit it, isn't that what you were thinking she'd be saying?
Ahh....thank you, I enjoyed that!

Flowers - Girls 257

Flowers - Girls 290

Flowers - Girls 335

the long road

Happy Hump Day!
And do pop over to The Long Road to China to see more photography.

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

TODAY!!!!!!!!! Can't get enough of that PINK!

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 068 - Copy

Please excuse the gratuitous cuteness

but I needed to post more and I appreciate your indulging me!

(I'll pay ya back.)

(No really, post all the cuteness you want and I'll lap it up.
I'm a cute-aholic. Most days I'm drunk on cute!)

Pink, take 2 037

Pink, take 2 038

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 105

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 131

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 132

So, as I was flitting around, trying to capture all this cuteness, I stopped for a minute, put my camera down ( camera with my prime lens and my speedlight attached on top) gently on the stair while I moved a table and when I turned back, said camera (with the prime lens and the v.e.r.y. heavy speedlight attached) was being waved wildly in the air. By MILANA !!!!

That was sort of the sound that bolted forth from me (with zero self-control on my part). Sounded something like


and even though I instantly regretted my knee-jerk reaction...





She just froze.

(Oh, did I mention she was standing on a marble floor.


Ok, back to more cuteness (and pinkness).

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 118

2010,Oct 23. Dress-up (Dahlia&Milana) 196-2

That's my little corner of the world.
Please share with us what your “Today” is like in your part of the world and link up with Communal Global!

....and have a great Today!

Sunday, October 24, 2010

I ♥ Faces - PINK WEEK

Pink, take 2 033

My girls!

In the Pink

It's "Pink Week" at in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month. I'm sure this weeks entries will be all girl and all puuuuurdy!!

Have a great week !

Saturday, October 23, 2010

The Paper Mama Photo Challenge: Black and White

Dahlia shoot ( 115-2
(huh?...yup....same photo)

To enter Paper Mama's photo challenge this week,
we're suppose to pick our favorite black and white.
Well.....this is mine.
Can't help it...I love it ( ahem....she said humbly).
(For anyone who may be new visiting - welcome - and this is my daughter Dahlia.)

The Paper Mama

This weeks guest judge:
Charmaine from Just bits & Pieces.
This weeks challenge: Black and White.
The challenge: The challenge will be based around your children. Take or find a photo of your baby (or kid... or puppy... or kitty) in a black and white photo.

And for more cutie black and whites - click on the button above.

Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Black and White Wednesday

Dahlia shoot ( 115-2

the long road

What an exciting week. The long road to China finally came true and Lisa and Pat have their Reagan.

And I guess because all the pictures posted of their "Gotcha moment" were taken in the very same room as the room where I first laid eyes on our first daughter, Dahlia - my mind is tripping back to November 2004 when this little darlin' made me so happy.

Dahlia's dedication picture-2

Dahlia, age 2 ( just 6 months after arriving home) in her Dedication (Baptism) dress.

Dahlia shoot ( 135-3

And Dahlia today. I still pinch myself that I get to be her Mom!

Dahlia shoot ( 120

(These pictures, like a few that I posted earlier this week, were suppose to be shot in RAW but my camera slipped to the lowest grade of JPEG and I wasn't aware. I thought I'd have to dump the whole shoot but I just love how I captured her mood that day so I kept them and did some fiddling. )

Dahlia shoot ( 115

Dahlia shoot ( 132

If you haven't already popped over to Lisa's site (and I'd be surprised if anyone reading this hasn't yet) do so and catch her with baby Reagan in her arms.

Quite a sight!!!

Dahlia shoot ( 135-4

Happy Wednesday!

TODAY!!!!!!!!! In my corner of the world

Flowers - Girls 428

I'm posting this picture "Today" because it reminds me of beginnings. These are Dahlia and Milana's referral pictures . Dahlia (on the left) in Sept 2004 and Milana in Aug 2009. And these were the little shoesies they wore when we got them home. (One day I'll post the little shoes they were wearing when we received them. I'll need a box of kleenex for that one.)

And the reason for today's theme is to celebrate my friend Lisa's Gotcha Day (yesterday). She received her little Reagan in the very same room as we did for Dahlia - in Changsha, Hunan.

Oh the memories - life-changing ones.

Dahlia shoot ( 047
And so...this is today!

Dahlia shoot ( 004

We don't go to the park everyday - but we sure do love it that our park is only a few steps away, just around the corner. Dahlia is learning to rollerskate there. (And yes, her bike is ridiculously small.) There are tennis courts, a soccer field, playground and just some really pretty scenery.

And the best part - it's like our own private park. There's hardly anyone there most of the time. (Gee, that sounds I don't like people or something....hmmmmm......I'll have to give that some thought.)

Dahlia shoot ( 051
It was getting dark and though I only shoot in RAW now, for some reason, my camera slipped into JPEG lowest quality so I'm surprised these even look half-way decent.
Dahlia shoot ( 080
Why's "Miss Happiest when Air-bourne" having a merry moment!
Dahlia shoot ( 040
I layed on the ground for this shot. And then my darlings jump on me.

I didn't get a shot of that though. haha
Dahlia shoot ( 074

Dahlia shoot ( 077

Dahlia shoot ( 059
That's my little corner of the world.
Please share with us what your “Today” is like in your part of the world and link up with Communal Global!

....and have a great Today!

Monday, October 18, 2010

I ♥ Faces "In the Orchard"

test and apples 148-2 copy
Believe it or not, but this was Milana's very first "bite" of an apple. She's had cut up apple before but never grabbed a whole apple and bit in.
Very cool moment, I thought.

Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Black and White Wednesday - " Yet more from our little Art sojourn "

....this may be the last of it. Or not!

Downtown with Dahlia 087-2
This is a very cool chair in the furnishings from the decades exhibit.
I think Dahlia and I stared at it for about 5 minutes.

Then we came upon these geometrically designed boxes - Dahlia immediately layed on the floor (we're in a public art gallery, people) and said
"Hey Mom, take this shot!" And she just lay there till I did.
(As quickly as possible - thus the blur - 'cause we were in a public art gallery, people!!!)

Downtown with Dahlia 090-3
She somehow knew she would be the perfect accent to this design. Hmmm......

the long road

This is Lisa's last Black and White Wednesday before she leaves for China to bring little Reagan home. I can almost not bear the excitement that I know they are feeling to be finally making this dream a reality. Bon voyage my dear friend!!!!

Now, back to the gallery.
We saw some amazingly beautiful glassware and glass sculptures.

Downtown with Dahlia 097-2

Downtown with Dahlia 099-2
This piece (above and below) just took my breath away. It's from the art deco period and art deco is my absolute favorite design style. I could eat it I love everything about it.
(Yeah, that much!)

So, since I had been taking all sorts of pictures in all the exhibits I assumed the Glass exhibit was no different. Wrong! A security guard came towards us stating "no pictures in this exhibit" and of course I put my camera away.

BUT.....I hadn't taken a picture of this little beauty and I was salivating (even lusting) after it.
So, while Dahlia stood watch (I know - I'm the recipient of the Mother of the year award for that one) I grabbed my camera (the big one folks) and tried to steady myself to grab a shot.
I felt like I was stealing the thing, my hands were shaking so much. This shot was so blurry (like I said - guilt ridden capture) but I was able to doctor it up in Photoshop and...well......
Downtown with Dahlia 099
......ain't she purdy!!!!

And speaking of pretty......
Downtown with Dahlia 091
....what do you suppose these pretty little eyes are saying?
I shudder to even think!
It can't be "come hither", please tell me it's not!!!

Oh, whew...thank you for your kindness (or for lying to me!).

Downtown with Dahlia 097

Downtown with Dahlia 095

Downtown with Dahlia 092

Downtown with Dahlia 090-2

Downtown with Dahlia 087

Hope you enjoyed our little visit to the Montreal Museum of Fine Arts. We're definately going back again, in fact, very soon - there's just so much to see.

And I'm so tickled to have my little buddy enjoying it all with me.

Happy Wednesday everyone!

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Hi, I'm Wanda. I am a happy woman, wife to Danny for...oh....lots a years and finally Mom to THE most adorable little girl from Hunan, China - Dahlia. And now we have been blessed again with another daughter, Milana, from Zhejiang, China. (The 2 best things I've ever done!) We live in the Montreal area. After a loooonnngg wait for Dahlia's little sister Milana (pronounced - Mee-lana, like banana), we finally brought her home in August 2009. Dahlia came to us in Nov 2004 (at 20 months of age)and a year later we began the application for another baby - at the time the waiting period was around 8 months. Almost 4 years later (say what!?!)we, at last, brought Milana home. This began as the story of our journey to bring Milana home and life with her big sister, Dahlia. It now continues as we live as a family of four!
God. My (growing) family. Hangin' out with my girlies. My wonderful friends (you know who you are!). To laugh (out loud and a lot!). Music. Painting. Hugs. Long chats with my buds. My garden. To read (ha...when I can!). Sunshine. Spring, Spring and more Spring. Building things. Cooking. Decorating. Parties (ahem). The internet. Life. Movies. A.I. Dancing with the stars. So you think you can dance. Travel. Umm..did I say laughing my head off. Oh Gee...everything actually!!
the long road
the long road
we picture {this}
Wild Olive Tees