(Help....I'm having trouble with my site. It only opens sporatically and apparently it's a Windows problem. If anyone knows how to fix it can you e-mail me or, if you can, leave a comment. Thank you so much! wandamalfara@ca.inter.net)
We went shopping the other day for white summer sandals and we didn't find any (other than huge clunkers) but we did find these little cuties. And had to have this little pursey too. (When I saw it I immediately flashed-back to my childhood - I had a similar purse, only I think it was turqoise, and I just loved it!!!) So of course, we had to get it, no?

Ta Da.....Dahlia is sure lovin' the frilly layers. We weren't going anywhere special so she asked if she could wear it around the house. She's learning that when she looks this cute, mama has a hard time saying no.

It's PJ day at school this Friday so Dahlia got to pick out which PJ's she would be wearing - and of course, did a little modeling for the camera - totally unsolicited, I swear.

And for some extra silliness -this was Dahlia's choice for dress-up. The layered look for sure. She has on her ratty old nighty (is that how you spell nighty?), a PJ top on top of that, a piece of fabric for a stole, a pink velour cape in the front (I think she thinks it's a dress....ok!), grey fairy wings, a pink crown and shiny shoes. Whew. (There may actually be even more but that's all I can see.)

A proud moment.

Well, that's it for this weeks fashion picks. Don't forget to pop over to see the
Salsa twin's fashion picks for this week.
And now for some news, if you haven't heard. We are one day away from referrals. (Meaning - families have received the pictures of their babies up to the 14th of March 2006 and our LID is the 15th so..........we're next!!!
So I thought I'd show you a little number, just waiting for Milana.
(See announcement in the post below.)

Dahlia is going to make such a great big sister!!!
Have a wonderful week-end.
Her frilly layers are so pretty... and just look at her poses! Awesome. :)
I had no problem getting to your site. Maybe it's fixed now?
Dahlia's a charming model, as always!
I am finally able to get on your site. She looks charming in all her little outfits - so fun! Can't wait to see your new little one in the next batch of referrals!! Congratulations!!
One day away?!!!! Whoohoooo.
Love the outfit, and that silver purse is a huge hit. :-)
That Dahlia of yours is quite the model!
OMG I love the accessories! The silver purse is to-die-for.
I have just been on RQ and saw the news. It's so wonderful to know that you will definately be in the next batch. Congratulations!
She is so cute! I love how girly she is. The purse and shoes add such nice bling to the outfit :) I'm so excited for your news of Milana (beautiful name!) can't wait!!!! hugs :)
Now that is a little lady with fashion sense!!!! She is beyond adorable! And I love looking at your photo sessions!!!!!!
Wanda, I am holding my breath for you and your incredible family. What a special moment it will be when you receive your long awaited news of Milana! Who will she be?! Where will she be?! Ahhhhh, you are on the true final stretch now. This is happening and the next batch will hold all the answers you have been dreaming of! I am so excited for you! You are an incredible woman and your girls couldn't have a nicer Mother.
Soon! Soon! soon!!!!!!
Good grief! Your little beauty is quite the fashionista! Love those pics!
You are right....we should save R's hat for the grandkids...best money I ever spent at the party store. Happy weekending.
She is a little fashionista...one cute and stylin' girl
Coucou Wanda, I think we are going to travel together :) Soon !!
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