Today, it's Milana's turn.
I caught her the other day, playing around with my hat in her PJ's, looking too cute for me not to run for my camera.

Our little girl is so full of beans. I love all her little expressions and she has such a joie de vivre.

It's quite contagious - hard not to giggly when we're around her.

She loves music - has to have music playing in the car all the time. Demands it, in fact!

She's always dancing (or falling over her feet) and moving yet can stare as if in a trance when her favorite tv show is on.

Loves to draw, read her little books (the pictures) and follow big sister around .

She's always dancing (or falling over her feet) and moving yet can stare as if in a trance when her favorite tv show is on.

Loves to draw, read her little books (the pictures) and follow big sister around .
Oh....follow big sister around is her absolute favorite activity - whether invited or not.

She has a hard time not touching everything and anything her little hands come in contact with.

She has a hard time not touching everything and anything her little hands come in contact with.

And cunning?? Oooo...this little one has got that trait down pat. Scary pat.
Milana is always up for anything. Never says no - it's always "Yah...yippee go"!!
She just rounds our family off perfectly.
(Don't forget to visit with Lisa and check out all the Friday photos today.)

She is Gorgeous!!!
She is just the cutest! Love all those hot pink shots. My baby will be 6 in December and I find that really hard to comprehend. I still carry her around though!
Erika B
Adorable! And you described Marissa some there too....the constant moving yet staring in a trance at the tv,the up for anything yah yippee go, That's my M! Milana's PJ's look so warm and cuddly. I could use some right about now!
She is stunning. Her eyes say so much.
Keep smilin!
My goodness those are CUTE!!! Love those pink pj's & that sweet smile.
Wan...every single one of these shots of Milana just made me smile. The light...the glorious LIGHT...this is in your living room...must be..with those sheers...perfect!
The pink and the pink hat capturing the Many Mood of the Marvelous Milana...I could just eat her up!
I CANNOT believe how much more mature she looks than when I saw her in the flesh nearly a year ago...leaps and bounds...but she still makes my heart go pitter pat pitter pat!
She is beautiful Wanda! What a fun little shoot with your girl and a great pink hat!
Your almost 4 year old is stunning in pink and you can see every bit of her personality. You've described many traits that are similar to my Will. What a sweetheart, love that smile and those beautiful eyes!!
Have a wonderful weekend, Wanda!!
xo Gail
these photos are gorgeous. And, your girl is adorable.
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