Monday, June 20, 2011

TODAY! " A Little Get-away!! "

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 006

When I asked Danny what he wanted for Father's Day he answered without hesitation. A crepe.

Ahhh....not just any crepe. A crepe from La Crepe Bretonne in St Sauveur. Which just happens to be about 30 minutes north, into the mountains from here. And which also happens to be (if one drives another 40 minutes)....Mt. Tremblant. And we haven't been there in forever.

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 011

So, even though the girls still have school on Monday and Dan and I both have tons of work to do......we so needed some down-time.

So....right after church on we went.

The girls fell asleep after crepes, cheese, bacon and yummy maple syrup, so when we arrived they dragged their sorry little bums into the lodge. They may look awake but really they're almost asleep.

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 012

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 013

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 016

Of course, they woke up pretty fast with the thought of a dip in the pool.

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 018

I was quite judicious with my camera as I forgot my extra battery and only had half juice in the one in my camera - but I managed to squeeze every drop out of it.

Mt Tremblant week-end June 19,2011 043

We just got back a little while ago, and even though we were only gone for about 28 hours - it felt like a week. A little get-away does wonders.

I'll post lots more on Wednesday.

Tuesday Around the World

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Meanwhile, it's "Tuesday around the World" so hop on board.


the Lola Letters said...

I am so glad you could have a little get away. That place looks GORGEOUS Wanda. Oh my heavens. Look at the sky! So pretty. Glad you had a fun time with your darlings : )

Oh, I am showing up as Lola since I just did our Communal Global post. I am going to just let you guess who this is : )

Tamar SB said...

So pretty! I've been snowboarding at Mt. Tremblant and it's so funny to see the village and mountain without snow!! Hope you had a lovely time!

Buckeroomama said...

LOL! Wrong guess... It's either Maddy or Becky. Actually, I'm not sure --but it has to be one of them. :)

I love that your girls each pulled their own trolley bag! You sure know how to do a getaway in style!

M3 said...

Wow, that place looks so pretty -- I'd never heard of it before.

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Hi, I'm Wanda. I am a happy woman, wife to Danny for...oh....lots a years and finally Mom to THE most adorable little girl from Hunan, China - Dahlia. And now we have been blessed again with another daughter, Milana, from Zhejiang, China. (The 2 best things I've ever done!) We live in the Montreal area. After a loooonnngg wait for Dahlia's little sister Milana (pronounced - Mee-lana, like banana), we finally brought her home in August 2009. Dahlia came to us in Nov 2004 (at 20 months of age)and a year later we began the application for another baby - at the time the waiting period was around 8 months. Almost 4 years later (say what!?!)we, at last, brought Milana home. This began as the story of our journey to bring Milana home and life with her big sister, Dahlia. It now continues as we live as a family of four!
God. My (growing) family. Hangin' out with my girlies. My wonderful friends (you know who you are!). To laugh (out loud and a lot!). Music. Painting. Hugs. Long chats with my buds. My garden. To read (ha...when I can!). Sunshine. Spring, Spring and more Spring. Building things. Cooking. Decorating. Parties (ahem). The internet. Life. Movies. A.I. Dancing with the stars. So you think you can dance. Travel. Umm..did I say laughing my head off. Oh Gee...everything actually!!
the long road
the long road
we picture {this}
Wild Olive Tees