Last May, when I posted our finished renovation here, I mentioned I was holding off on showing a little beauty we found.
You see, we had a Yamaha upright piano, purchased with our wedding money a few (ahem) years back. But there really was no room for it anymore on the main floor without crowding things in. (And I'm trying so hard to break that habit.)
You see, we had a Yamaha upright piano, purchased with our wedding money a few (ahem) years back. But there really was no room for it anymore on the main floor without crowding things in. (And I'm trying so hard to break that habit.)
So, we decided it would have to go. It simply was too heavy (really, really heavy) to bring upstairs to the loft. It was a fairly easy decision because I knew what we were after. (hehe)
(I didn't anticipate how attached I was to our old piano till I saw it being moved out the door - I kinda, sorta burst into tears.)

Even though Dahlia hasn't officially started piano lessons, she knows how to turn this on and get all sorts of crazy stuff going. A favorite is - she'll give me a cue like this "ok, Mom...hit it" and I'll shout out "who let the dogs out?" and she'll hit the key that sounds "who...who" - like the dog.
(Get it!)

My Mother, who was really a stage mother in disguise, would have loved this piano and I know she is happy that I continued to play. She'd be thrilled to know Dahlia will be playing too. Dahlia thankfully still has memories of my Mom, playing her piano in her apartment. She remembers it more vividly because she has pictures of her Nan in her little photo album.

But, when I saw our new baby (grand) coming in the door, my mood quickly changed. We had a whole bunch of recording equipment that we weren't using, my old synth. keyboard and 3 of our 4 guitars which were stored under our bed - collecting dust. Sold them all along with our upright and bought....cough....sputter....gasp....
It's a full recording studio with a full, built-in sound system that can shake the house. And the most gorgeous sounding grand piano with full orchestration capability.

Even though Dahlia hasn't officially started piano lessons, she knows how to turn this on and get all sorts of crazy stuff going. A favorite is - she'll give me a cue like this "ok, Mom...hit it" and I'll shout out "who let the dogs out?" and she'll hit the key that sounds "who...who" - like the dog.
(Get it!)

My Mother, who was really a stage mother in disguise, would have loved this piano and I know she is happy that I continued to play. She'd be thrilled to know Dahlia will be playing too. Dahlia thankfully still has memories of my Mom, playing her piano in her apartment. She remembers it more vividly because she has pictures of her Nan in her little photo album.
(Yet another good reason to capture the moments that count.)

I LOVE her pose!! Do you art-direct her or does she do her own poses? :)
...and awesome piano and wonderful photos! :)
Wanda these pictures are beautiful! I was just at the piano store the pther week before my daughter got so sick. She has been asking to play the piano since she started speaking. I need to buy one and they are so pricey. I know it is an investment, but yikes! you really got a beautiful one! Good for you! How exciting for all of you! Beautiful pictures! Have a great night my friend!
Mama Hen
The second to last photo is so cute! Simply wonderful post Wanda!
Mama Hen
Dahlia kind of does her own thing. Each time she hears the click she changes up her pose. I'm kind of freaked at how she flirts with the camera.
She, and the photos, are truly beautiful. Very cool posing with that hat!
Erika B
I love the piano and it is shown off so beautifully by your little girl, great shots
What a beauty! Great shots of your girl! Enjoy the music as it fills your house in the years to come.
Wanda you out did yourself this week. Love these pictures! I am so amazed at how talented you are. Piano playing and singing too? I think we would have become fast friends if we ever met years ago. I love to sing... I used to be in my high school choir. So many great memories. I've been remembering those days quite often since I started watching the first season of Glee (what a great show!).
Your sweet little girl is definitely following in her mommies footsteps. :-)
Beautiful shots, she's gorgeous, and so is the baby :)
Wanda : ) That is just beautiful! I love it so much! I was sad about you bursting into tears, but you are so right, once I saw this, I can see why you would be DELIGHTED with the upgrade :) Yay for you and your new sound system that will keep you and your 'dogs' musically challenged for years : )
What a gorgeous piano! I don't play, but my mom does. She loves her old upright, but she would probably sell it like you did for this beauty. That will keep you playing for many, many years! I'm sure you and Dahlia are both excited for her to begin lessons. :)
Oh My Wanda, I can imagine bursting into tears when your piano was being moved out :( but this beauty certainly looks like she has moved in and taken up that place in your hearts!! I love love love the way the shadows from your doors/screens makes such a pretty pattern on the piano! and Dahlia looks adorable and right at home here.
(as I was reading your blog I was just thinking how b&w Wednesday is so YOU!)
I love this change!! I too play piano and would love to have a baby like that:) And it looks like it has the perfect models playing it. Your captures are gorgeous and stunning in black and white!
what a beautiful piano, and a beautiful gal to play it...enjoy!!
She is gorgeous!! I like the piano too. Fantastic pictures!!
Beautiful....just beautiful!!
I think your sweet Mama would be more than pleased that your love of music is still with you and being passed along to her gorgeous grandbabies!!
Oh, life's music....nothing grander....or "baby grand" 'er......
Oooooo, that piano (and your pics) is gorgeous!!!
What a fabulous post and pics...I adore your new piano. Now since I'm not particularly musically inclined I'd feel a little intimidated it. He or she(the piano) is gorgeous!
And I thought I was the only one that sings 'Who let the dogs out' to my kids. ;)
Awesome black and whites.
That is one amazing piano and Dahlia looks so cute sitting at it! I am hoping my boys will take on piano, it is such a great instrument.
I love the photo shoot and the piano. I used to play growing up...I wish I could still play now.
Music is a gift from God and you are so lucky to have had a Mom that encouraged you to learn to play the piano. Your talent...another gift from God. It is so nice that these gifts will be passed down through generations of talented women!!!
Your Mom would be proud.
The pictures...fabulous...Dahlia...stunning.
luv u
What a BEAUTIFUL piano Wanda!!!! And a what a beauty playing it!!!
You really are talented! A fabulous photographer, AMAZING artist, and you also play the piano!?! Is there anything you cant do?! =)
How awesome that you'll be passing all of this and more to your two beautiful girls!
Beautiful pictures and NEW piano!
Sorry to have been a stranger but BOY! have I been busy! I am finely getting back into the blog grove. I hope!
WOW!! That is SO cool. I wouldn't have a clue what to do with it (I so wish I had some musical talent), but it looks amazing and I'd love to give that "Who, who, who?" thing a whirl. :)
Dahlia is simply gorgeous, as always. :)
Very nice!!!
Keep smilin!
I'm drooling over your new piano..... Great pics!
GASP! Those pictures are AMAZING!!!! And the piano - so awesome!!!
oh wanda, that first b&w photo is STUNNING!!
Hi Wanda, those are very beautiful pictures!!
OH MY WORD WANDA.....that piano is FANTASTIC.....I would love to hear you belt something out on that baby.
I'm sure your Mom would be so proud of Miss Dahlia who is ready to begin her lessons. She looks very excited to start........ She is GORGEOUS Wanda. She is literally growing up and maturing before our very eyes. I really noticed it in these pictures especially. So.... has Milania let loose ont he baby grand yet?
Hope you all are enjoying your weekend.
Talk to you soon~
This is so awesome! I think we need you to post a video of you playing it! Pretty Please!?
Our Blog: Double Happiness!
Now THAT'S what I'm talkin' about, Girl! Whew...the finish on that baby is making me BLIND over here...and how CONVENIENT its black and goes with the decor (heheheh).
I had no idea you were doing this but oh, what a great idea it was! I have never seen something like that! Dahlia looks amazing in these shots and the story of who let the dogs out has me smiling ear to ear.
I expect a FULL serenade when I get there one day!
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