In an attempt to record memorable moments (oh, I probably wouldn't forget this one...but just in case) I submit this.
(Let me just put out a warning to anyone practicing prudery who may be reading right now......go no further......leave now or risk a blush.
'K.......fair warned.
I jest really. This is probably the oldest story (well almost) in the book. Here it is.
So Dahlia came running into my bathroom this morning, all excited. Went something like this.
Dahlia - "Mommy, mommy....I just saw Daddy's penis!!!"
Mommy - (just catching the chorkle as it bolted from my mouth....managed to and said, oh so demurely - " Oh did it look like?"
Dahlia - (with huge eyes...too huge really) - " It was REALLY big! "
Mommy - I actually hurt myself to not respond other than a non- chalent - "Hmm....really". But really I was thinking ' oh, Daddy will be so pleased to hear that! '
Of course, Daddy was horrified that Dahlia had peaked into the shower but I've always told him to naturalize the body parts a bit or her curiousity level will be too high and when the opportunity arises, she'll be over-keen to explore with someone who Daddy really will be horrified with. If y'all know what I mean!
And 'cause I always provide visuals with my posts, I've included an example of the subject matter with which Dahlia was so surprised by......
NO...........of course NOT !!!! Sillys.