Showing posts with label Fashion Challenge Friday. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Fashion Challenge Friday. Show all posts

Friday, June 19, 2009

Fashion Friday

It was "party time" last Sunday. We were invited to a very special baptism and Dahlia was so excited to pick out her outfit. She just LOVES dresses, and the frillier the better (which is a bit odd because she use to be more of a jock but she sure has changed - girly all the way!). She just loved how this whole thing looked and stood there waiting for me to grab my, gee....I obliged. Thought I would try a neutral backdrop so I hung a wrinkled sheet.

(click to enlarge - for even more cuteness!)

Now, this (below) is what I had wanted her to wear, so I talked her into trying it on but she nixed it. I was hoping to get one more wear out of it as it's a size 4 but she wanted the other.
(I only fight the big battles.)

Good of her to indulge me with a little pose.

We took it outside and even though this shot was taken in the deep shade (I mega lightened it in editing) I love how I caught her as she whipped around. She's a pro!

So that's my girlie for this week. Check out the Salsa site for lots more fun with the twinados!

And check back here soon - we are hours/days away from receiving our referral for last !

Update: Referrals have been received in Europe - they're on their way here!

:) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :) :)

Thursday, June 11, 2009

Fashion Friday

A study in grey
I bought this little number 2 years ago for pre-school and it still fits (ok, the skirt may be a little short - but they're shorter this year anyway, so there!) Well, we're still having coolish weather (isn't it summer? Oh wait, not officially yet, right?) so Dahlia dug this out. And I said - why not!
Forgive me, but I had to include a close-up 'cause she's so darn cute :)

...and I love the way she's crossing her legs (her all bruised up legs) like a little lady.

....and Zizi happened along and needed a hug. (Good prop - we've been, not really - just kidding.)

And guess what we did this week? Learnt how to hoola hoop (is that how we spell it?). At first she could only go around maybe once (or less) but she kept at it and voila - she can keep that thing up for at least 10 seconds or more. Oh, and she can do cart wheels now too. She's really getting the 'practice makes perfect' thing down. (Ahem, not that I say that very much.)
(click on pictures to enlarge)
Hoola anyone?
Check out the other kiddies and their antics (and fashions) at the Salsa in China site.
Have a beautiful week-end!!

Friday, June 5, 2009

Fashion Friday

Another Friday.......and another opportunity to see what munchkin picked out for herself to wear. (Though, truth be told, she's doing most of her selecting herself, with a little gentle influence.)


Hmm....a small explanation is called for. The capris (well they look like shorts now) are actually size 3 (and for a refresher - Dahlia is now 6!) but she still loves them and with a teeny tiny bum, she can still get away with it. The top of course, is too big but it matched so she wanted it and matching (Walmart) flip-flops. The hood-up just adds to the cuteness - her idea. :)
See that red mark on Dahlia's arm? It's a tattoo - left over from a party last week-end!!! Don't you just hate love tattos?

That's what we got for this week. Dahlia has her 3rd ballet concert on Sunday - another proud moment for mama.

Head on over to the Salsa site for more cuties.

Have a great week-end!

Friday, May 29, 2009

Fashion Friday

It's Friday again!
Where did the week go?
This is another little number Dahlia got for her birthday and just put on for the first time. I don't normally like monograms or someones picture on clothes but I think this little Kai Lan outfit is too adorable. We were on our way for some ice-cream - so had to have a cute outfit to wear.

We recently went to the fair (and I'm including this pic to prove it) but what I really want to show is just how much Dahlia likes ice-cream (really a girl after my own heart).

So, she's checking it looks good......., let's see.........mmmmmmmmmm

Suppose she's likin' it? That's my girl!
Check out all the other fun kiddos and their cool fashions at the
Have a great week-end!

Friday, May 22, 2009

Fashion Friday

(Help....I'm having trouble with my site. It only opens sporatically and apparently it's a Windows problem. If anyone knows how to fix it can you e-mail me or, if you can, leave a comment. Thank you so much!
We went shopping the other day for white summer sandals and we didn't find any (other than huge clunkers) but we did find these little cuties. And had to have this little pursey too. (When I saw it I immediately flashed-back to my childhood - I had a similar purse, only I think it was turqoise, and I just loved it!!!) So of course, we had to get it, no?
Ta Da.....Dahlia is sure lovin' the frilly layers. We weren't going anywhere special so she asked if she could wear it around the house. She's learning that when she looks this cute, mama has a hard time saying no.
It's PJ day at school this Friday so Dahlia got to pick out which PJ's she would be wearing - and of course, did a little modeling for the camera - totally unsolicited, I swear.

And for some extra silliness -this was Dahlia's choice for dress-up. The layered look for sure. She has on her ratty old nighty (is that how you spell nighty?), a PJ top on top of that, a piece of fabric for a stole, a pink velour cape in the front (I think she thinks it's a dress....ok!), grey fairy wings, a pink crown and shiny shoes. Whew. (There may actually be even more but that's all I can see.)
A proud moment.
Well, that's it for this weeks fashion picks. Don't forget to pop over to see the Salsa twin's fashion picks for this week.
And now for some news, if you haven't heard. We are one day away from referrals. (Meaning - families have received the pictures of their babies up to the 14th of March 2006 and our LID is the 15th so..........we're next!!!
So I thought I'd show you a little number, just waiting for Milana.
(See announcement in the post below.)
Dahlia is going to make such a great big sister!!!
Have a wonderful week-end.

Friday, May 15, 2009

Fashion Challenge Friday

On Mother's Day this week I had said that Dahlia could pick out her outfit for the day. So of course, she picked a silky, frilly little sun dress but it was quite cool (downright cold actually) here so I 'suggested' she pick something else.
This is the little number she chose.

(click on pictures to enlarge)
I didn't really want to post this picture (with me in it) but I wanted to show the jacket and (groovy) hat and thought cutting off my head and leaving my hands on her shoulder might have looked a little weird so I decided to stay. (Know what I mean?)
So that's it for this week. Pop over to the Salsa site for more fashion kiddy fun.
It's Victoria Day week-end here and time to get the garden in (or a part of it).
Have a great week-end!!

Friday, May 8, 2009

Fashion Challenge Friday

Bet you're saying "doesn't this kid ever change her clothes?" Why "yes, in fact, she does.....look closer!" This little dress became this week's obsession ( I got the other one in the wash finally).
This was Dahlia's after school selection this week and she ran to change into it everyday after school. Note the addition of the pink hair clip - had to tie in the pink somewhere! (And TM - the panda is for you!)
Dahlia learnt how to skip this week. Last Saturday she couldn't even do one but she worked on it and worked on it and finally was able do one, then two and three and so on. Within 2 days she could double skip, cantor skip (I just made up that term as I don't know how else to describe it - ya know - one leg and then the other) and some other concoction. I know all the various types of 'skips' because each one was announced with "hey Mom - watch this!" and I did.......EVERY ONE OF THEM! (I am quite impressed though as I don't think I could skip til at least 7 yrs old.)
Below is the reason my life is considerably easier. Can you say 'school uniform'? I LOVE IT! It's actually more of a dress code which makes dressing in the morning soooooo easy.

Ummm......she does wear shoes......they're just by the front door. Check out the artwork. that would be Dahlia and her BF (Angel) spinning a skip rope and guess who's jumping in the middle? Ummm....yup....that would be me! (Only in her dreams and her artwork :-)

And finally, what would a week be without the requisite fairy princess dress-up?

Pop on over to the Salsa site for more kiddies fashion fun.
Wishing you all a wonderful Mother's Day (sprinkled with pixie dust, of course!)

Friday, May 1, 2009

Fashion Challenge Friday

It was our first really gorgeous day here last Saturday, so a perfect day to head to the park. Dahlia had discovered this little number a few days before (after Mommy had purged her closet) so this is what she chose. This dress is size 3T but she has loved this dress so much she now is calling it a tshirt/top. Well, actually she just wanted to wear the dress alone so I said "umm, honey...there may be ants and stuff in the sand - you don't want them crawling up your bum" to which she replied - well actually it was more of a look which said 'umm..Mom.......heard of leggings?....d'uh'. (Oh help me 6 years from now!!) So she whipped out the leggings, sandals, sun visor, pail and shovels and we were off!

Check out those ballet toes!

Ahh...saved by Daddy.

...and she's off again! Keep up Mom.

Now, does this happen in your house? Once Dahlia gets an outfit in her 'comfort zone' she has a really hard time getting it off. Everyday since then, as soon as she gets home from kindergarten, she whips out this little number (which she wants hanging on her door for easy access - and forget about washing it unless you can do it by the time she needs it again) and HAS to wear it. I have a hard time getting it off her now for jammies and bed. So on Wed. for afternoon snacks we had a little picnic in the front yard and of course, she's wearing the same outfit. Check back here to see how long this obsession lasts.
(...and that's Daddy's hairy arm - not mine! - snitching a little treat.)
And after our snack we had a little dress-up fun.
Thank goodness for diversions to distract us from the latest referral delays with the swine flu........
And don't forget to pop over to the Salsa site for more fun stuff.

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Hi, I'm Wanda. I am a happy woman, wife to Danny for...oh....lots a years and finally Mom to THE most adorable little girl from Hunan, China - Dahlia. And now we have been blessed again with another daughter, Milana, from Zhejiang, China. (The 2 best things I've ever done!) We live in the Montreal area. After a loooonnngg wait for Dahlia's little sister Milana (pronounced - Mee-lana, like banana), we finally brought her home in August 2009. Dahlia came to us in Nov 2004 (at 20 months of age)and a year later we began the application for another baby - at the time the waiting period was around 8 months. Almost 4 years later (say what!?!)we, at last, brought Milana home. This began as the story of our journey to bring Milana home and life with her big sister, Dahlia. It now continues as we live as a family of four!
God. My (growing) family. Hangin' out with my girlies. My wonderful friends (you know who you are!). To laugh (out loud and a lot!). Music. Painting. Hugs. Long chats with my buds. My garden. To read (ha...when I can!). Sunshine. Spring, Spring and more Spring. Building things. Cooking. Decorating. Parties (ahem). The internet. Life. Movies. A.I. Dancing with the stars. So you think you can dance. Travel. Umm..did I say laughing my head off. Oh Gee...everything actually!!
the long road
the long road
we picture {this}
Wild Olive Tees