Another Friday.......and another opportunity to see what munchkin picked out for herself to wear. (Though, truth be told, she's doing most of her selecting herself, with a little gentle influence.)
Hmm....a small explanation is called for. The capris (well they look like shorts now) are actually size 3 (and for a refresher - Dahlia is now 6!) but she still loves them and with a teeny tiny bum, she can still get away with it. The top of course, is too big but it matched so she wanted it and matching (Walmart) flip-flops. The hood-up just adds to the cuteness - her idea. :)
See that red mark on Dahlia's arm? It's a tattoo - left over from a party last week-end!!! Don't you just
hate love tattos?
That's what we got for this week. Dahlia has her 3rd ballet concert on Sunday - another proud moment for mama.
Head on over to the Salsa site for more cuties.
Have a great week-end!
Adorable! I hate those stinking tattoos too. They seem to last forever!!
I love her poses! Where does she get them from?! :)
sooooo cute i love this outfit!!!!!!!
I hate those tats too and abby ALWAYS wants it on her face!!!
I heard that those "flip flop" from Walmart are dangerous. The are made in china and contains the same chemical (in the paint) as the toys that were toxic...
Bup ! don't eat the flip flop !! :P
Those are great pics!
Tattoos...grrr...they are hard to remove. R's stash of tattoos (from some party) magically disappeared one day. Poof! Like magic.'s the month you get your referral...that's awesome! So exciting.
Thanks for sharing your comments on my Friday post. We clearly have some of that 'denial' happening here as well.
Have a good weekend.
I see fashion in her future....she definitely has a sense of style:)
I can't wait for the ballet pics....take lots:)
Enjoy your weekend!
Tattoos and low cut shirts hmmmm - seems like deja vu or maybe she's been hanging out with Rylee Aheh...
She's adorable! I love the capris - Esme still wears some 18-month pants with her 4T shirts...
Isn't it funny when they want head-to-toe matching of a certain color? Cracks me up. Love the outfit, especially the hood up. :-)
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