Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesdays around the world

CNY - Martines 2012 013 wm

Our annual Chinese New Year Party.
The Chinese Connection!

CNY - Martines 2012 026

Each year, four families who traveled to China together, each with 2 children from China get together to celebrate. (We actually find all sorts of other occasions to get together too.)

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CNY - Martines 2012 031

There's never a shortage. Of food nor fun!

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CNY - Martines 2012 041

The Dad of the house loves to whip up all sorts of goodies. The Mom makes killer lychee martinis.

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The only boy amongst 7 girls. He has no chance....but he's awfully cute.

CNY - Martines 2012 046


And every year - this Dad runs around in the snow outside, lighting fireworks as we all take front seats in front of the large window.

CNY - Martines 2012 057

CNY - Martines 2012 053

We just love our little traditions and this great group of friends!!


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Monday, January 16, 2012

Tuesdays around the world

Christmas home 2011 034

On a dark, cold, snowy winter day....nothing gives me more hope than a beautiful flower.

Flower Shop Opening 067 wm

I could spend way too time thinking about my garden, dreaming of inhaling rose petals till they tickle the insides of my nose (my all time fav thing to do with a flower) and generally get into a funk because we are only part way through this winter and I want it over already.

Flower Shop Opening 068-2 wm

But I'd rather ogle over these beautiful flowers and arrangements that are in my friend Helen's new Flower Shop.

Flower Shop Opening 009-2 wm

Her Flower Shop - Ermis Floral Studio - is so, so pretty and just full of not only gorgeous blooms of every kind but decadent chocolate,
Felix and Norton cookies, gift baskets and even......a coffee bar!!

Flower Shop Opening 084 wm

If you love beautiful flowers - I invite you to visit the Facebook link and like her page.

Flower Shop Opening 069 wm

Flower Shop Opening 071-2 wm

Flower Shop Opening 025 wm

Flower Shop Opening 047-2 wm

Flower Shop Opening 012 wm

And order you flowers for Valentines day too (If you're local.)

Ermis Floral Studio
2210 Cure Labelle, Laval

Flower Shop Opening 021 wm

Flower Shop Opening 053-2 wm

I'm very proud of you...my Helen mou!
You add beauty to this world everyday...through your flowers and your heart.
And I love them both!!!

Have a great Tuesday!

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Friday, January 13, 2012

Favorite Photo Friday

WE2&MiB 003 wm

Dahlia and Milana have really hit their stride. They play together almost all the time now and Milana is learning so much from imitating (and forced learning - Dahlia is a hard task-master) her big sister.

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WE2&MiB 012 wm

Nothing unusual about two sisters playing together except there wasn't very much of that happening around here for the first year and even two. But they're certainly making up for any lost time. And it's so much fun for me to just sit back and watch and listen to all their escapades.

WE2&MiB 027 wm

Milana obliged her big sister by letting her put on a bunch of dress-up outfits and parade around. Each time I heard the announcement "Ladies and Gentlemen....I now present Miss Milana Malfara as a fairy princess" I'd whip around at my desk and catch a picture or two of the little one....strutting her stuff and practicing her best "cheese"!

the long road

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WE2&MiB 015 wm

And does she have A.T.T.I.T.U.D.E.!!!

She's learning it from the best.

(.....no..ahem....not me......)

her big sister of course.

Monday, January 2, 2012

IT'S A NEW YEAR - 2012

Christmas Card pix 2011 210 blog

How does the song go?

"So this is Christmas....and what have we done

another year older....a new one begun"

Christmas Card pix 2011 267 wm
What is it about flipping a calendar that makes us look back and measure the year we've been through? Did we start, accomplish or even attempt all the things we wanted to? Did we have an impact, or any effect at all, on how our world moved and changed this year?

Did we love enough.....listen enough.....give enough?

And what makes us always strive for a bit more with each new year. Never quite satisfied that we made the mark or had any relevance in this crazy world that manages to stay together despite every element working against it.

(I don't have the answers.....I'm just thinking out loud.)

Christmas Card pix 2011 333 wm

Christmas Card pix 2011 266 blog

As for me....

...this was a watershed year.

I fell in love with my work - my photography. And though it doesn't have the same satisfaction as painting for me (or even music) it surprises me how much joy and satifaction I get out of every shoot and every picture that I take.

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The deep joy I have being a mother can never be surpassed - I will be forever grateful and amazed that I am a mother. My Dahlia asked me today "what's the best thing about being a mom, Mom"? I have no answer because it's a million things - too many to count but just enough to truly appreciate

Christmas Card pix 2011 314 wm

Christmas Card pix 2011 255 wm

Wishing everyone a perfectly wonderful New Year!!!

Join our Communal Global group and see what's been happening around the world.

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Hi, I'm Wanda. I am a happy woman, wife to Danny for...oh....lots a years and finally Mom to THE most adorable little girl from Hunan, China - Dahlia. And now we have been blessed again with another daughter, Milana, from Zhejiang, China. (The 2 best things I've ever done!) We live in the Montreal area. After a loooonnngg wait for Dahlia's little sister Milana (pronounced - Mee-lana, like banana), we finally brought her home in August 2009. Dahlia came to us in Nov 2004 (at 20 months of age)and a year later we began the application for another baby - at the time the waiting period was around 8 months. Almost 4 years later (say what!?!)we, at last, brought Milana home. This began as the story of our journey to bring Milana home and life with her big sister, Dahlia. It now continues as we live as a family of four!
God. My (growing) family. Hangin' out with my girlies. My wonderful friends (you know who you are!). To laugh (out loud and a lot!). Music. Painting. Hugs. Long chats with my buds. My garden. To read (ha...when I can!). Sunshine. Spring, Spring and more Spring. Building things. Cooking. Decorating. Parties (ahem). The internet. Life. Movies. A.I. Dancing with the stars. So you think you can dance. Travel. Umm..did I say laughing my head off. Oh Gee...everything actually!!
the long road
the long road
we picture {this}
Wild Olive Tees